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What is data?

Data is the information sent from the hardware to the cloud. With Trendlog, this is typically either a value or timestamp. The data must be visualized before you can see anything out of it.

What are the benefits of collecting data?

When you are digitalizing information, it can be put into system that allows you to respond more quickly to changes while at the same time being able to communicate with other systems.

It is thus an opportunity to automate several processes, for example documentation, reporting, planning and more.


What can production data be used for?

Production data is information collected at machine level as well as an overall level and with the information you can get an overview of the general production results.

This means that you can dive into operations and find bottlenecks on the individual conveyor belts while at the same time being able to maintain an overview of the total capacity and ensure the efficiency of the production.

There are various applications for production data which includes detection of stop causes, automatic reporting and crash prevention.


How can data collection optimize the production?

By digitalizing information with data collection, you get the opportunity to create an overall and a more accessible overview, which will keep you updated on the current performance and challenges that occur. This means that the time of reaction will be much shorter, problems will be solved faster, and you will be able to analyze upon the bottlenecks and prevent expensive breakdowns.

In addition, OEE is a parameter, which is a simple indicator for how well the machinery is performing and if there is any need for improvement.
